Behind the curtains of
Administration: (Log out), List of websites Premium until .... see here. Do you have questions or need help? Visit our support. Links to confirm the settings are removed since this is just what it is : a demo.
Edit settings
Change your website settings below.
Change web address
If you are not happy with your current web address ( you can go here to change it.
Change password
Go here to change your password.
Edit the style (CSS)
You can change the layout of your template on this page.
META tags
You can add and edit meta tags on this page.
Change header image
You can change the header image on this page.
Change Favicon
Favicon is the little icon that looks like this: . To change this for your website you need to upload a new .ico image file that is 16x16 pixels in size.
- You can download favicons that you can use here.
- You can create a new favicon manually here.
- You can create a new favicon by converting an existing image: here, here, here and here.
- You can create a 16x16 big image in your image program, save as .png and then use ConvertICO to convert .png to .ico.
When you have a 16x16 pixel big .ico image file then upload it on this page.
To remove your favicon and to use the default one then you need to remove the favicon on this page.
Please note that it can take some time for your browser to update the favicon.
Delete your website
Go to this page to delete your website.